Join with our Spinal Injured Get Together

Amar Seva Sangam’s (ASSA) Post-Acute Care Center for the Spinal Injured started in the year 2007 is rendering noble service to the spinal injured patients. One of our core objectives of ASSA is to improve the living conditions of the spinal injured persons, besides various other disability management activities for other service users over the years.

The patients to this center is drawn from all over India with the main focus is to develop the independent living skills of the service users. The Centre takes care of Post-surgery rehabilitation needs, by providing indispensable service to economically disadvantaged individuals who have sustained severe spinal injuries by providing medical, vocational rehabilitation, good nursing care, and suitable vocational training and manage complications leading up to surgeries wherever needed besides psychological counseling. So far 261 service users were rehabilitated and discharged out of which 239 are actively engaged in pursuing their livelihood. The Centre has become quite popular in the country, with nearly 150 people waiting for admission to the Centre. The current strength of inpatients is 22.

The Centre does not limit its activities up to discharge of the service users after rehabilitation, but constantly keeps in touch with them to provide whatever services they need which include regular house visits. It was felt to be very useful to conduct an annual get together for all the spinal injured persons with their families, who include the present inmates and all those discharged, in our Campus. This provides them good opportunities to interact, relate and exchange their issues among themselves. It is conducted every year like a festival, such as social gathering, cultural programs, sports events, and medical camps in which specialist doctors render their services. It renders psychological counseling, distribute wheelchairs and other appliances, update the service users on various government services and benefits available and to understand and exercise their rights enshrined in the laws framed by the government.

This year is the 12 year of this get-together, with a break during Covid period and we are conducting in on the 9th, 10th & 11th of September 2023 in our Campus. We are expecting more than 200 SCI persons and their family members attending the get together. Many specialist doctors, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Psychiatrists and Motivational Speakers will attend to give their best services. We are conducting this event after a gap of three years due to COVID-19 pandemic conditions. Therefore, all the SCI persons are very eager to participate in this program as this will be an opportunity to step out of their house after a long gap and to get themselves thoroughly checked by the doctors and specialists and also get their needs such as wheelchairs, tricycles and other aids wherever needed.

The total budget for this 3-days mela is expected to be around Rs.20.00 Lakhs towards cost of medicines and medical check up, food expenses, cost of aids and appliances, rental for stage arrangement and other miscellaneous basic necessities for all the participants.

We humbly request you to donate generously for this cause, so that the program is held without any financial hitch, to ultimately benefit the spinal injured persons to take advantage of the above stated benefits by participating in this annual fete.

Looking forward to your whole-hearted support.

Get Together Donation Schemes

  1. Medicine (per person) – INR 2,500
  2. Donate for food (one time in a day) – INR 25,000

*Foreign donors can do only direct bank transfer to our FCRA bank account

You can donate through UPI also

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