About Us
Amar Seva Sangam (ASSA) is a premier organisation in the field of disability management focusing on rural areas, located in Ayikudy Village in Tirunelveli District in South Tamil Nadu.
Our approach is to establish a centralised resource center to act as a catalyst for change in the development of differently abled and intellectually challenged. We do this by involving the village community in the process.
Amar Seva Sangam (ASSA) established by Mr. Ramakrishnan, in the International year of the Disabled to cater to disability management focusing on rural areas.
S. Ramakrishnan, while in his 4th year engineering, injured his spine while attending the last round of Naval officers’ selection test and became a quadriplegic.
He established ASSA in 1981, the year for the Disabled and named it after his Doctor and mentor Air Marshal Dr. Amarjit Singh Chahal of Defence hospital. Padma Shree awardee S.Ramakrishnan is the President of ASSA.
S. Ramakrishnan, Founder President

S. Sankara Raman, Secretary

S. Sankara Raman, a Chartered Accountant and a wheel chair user, affected by muscular dystrophy joined ASSA in 1992. He is the Secretary of ASSA.
Together they have built a Valley for the Differently Abled in a 30 acre land at Ayikudy, as a Rehabilitation and Development Centre and developing models for self-help initiatives by integrating individuals with disabilities within society for improved living conditions.
Our Mission
AMAR SEVA SANGAM’s mission is to empower the disabled citizens by establishing a ‘Valley for the Disabled’ as a Rehabilitation and Development Centre for the region and developing models for self-help initiatives by integrating the disabled individuals with the society for improved living conditions in the villages.
Our Vision
To establish a valley for the Disabled, whereby physically / mentally challenged persons live in a pro-active society where equality prevails irrespective of physical, mental or other challenged with the rest of the society. It is a futuristic vision whereby Amar Seva Sangam plays the role of an enabling agent to get the physically / mentally challenged “equality of status, equality in opportunities and equality in access”. It is a society where people are identified as differently abled.
Our Belief
Amar Seva Sangam committed to the belief that the disability is not a constrain only a condition that can be managed.
We believes that the disabled people can contribute to society and the impression that they are to be sympathized and pitied, is a misconception. Amar Seva Sangam feels that if they are enabled and given a level playing ground, they can be as productive as anybody else in the society.
The Sangam’s ultimate aim is to empower the disabled and it is a process that will start from different entry level rehabilitation plans, depending upon their age, socio economic background and the nature and extent of disability. They are discharged from direct rehabilitation intervention to integrate them with society and their families. Amar Seva Sangam believes that this area can become a valley of the disabled where, everyone is considered as human being and the disability is only a part of human diversity in nature’s creation. Equality should prevail and humanity is the ultimate winner.
Quality Policy
Amar Seva Sangam is committed to satisfy physically challenged service users by empowering them to have an equal participation in the society. This is achieved by providing them appropriate rehabilitation services of excellent Quality and continuously improving the same.
Focus area to achieve the above are:
1. Work closely with society, various NGOs and Government organizations.
- To enhance awareness on the need and means of empowerment.
- To enhance the service facilities in the organization for rehabilitation to cope up with various challenges of all disabilities.
2. Make the organization as a “System driven one” by ensuring effective implementation and maintenance of Quality Management System and continuously improving the same.
3. Improving the quality of rehabilitation services by enhancing the competence of the human resource personnel in the organization.
Our Work
Amar Seva Sangam has established many initiatives over the years to rehabilitate differently abled people in many ways as described below
Institution based Rehabilitation Activities
- Home for differently abled poor children with free accommodation, food, clothing, medical care, appliances, and education.
- Sangamam School, a Day-care Centre for Special children, with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Intellectually challenged, to train them on self-care and hygienic activities and basic literacy. Early intervention programs to enable identify such children at a very young stage and then to rehabilitate them using modern techniques. Their parents are also trained to help the children after discharge.
- Residential Program for Special Needs Children (RPSNC) who are trained for basic needs for living besides promoting them to educate in regular school after rehabilitation.
- Training Intellectually challenged children and adults more than 14 years for training in Vocational training for livelihood income generating skills besides computer education.
- Caliper making unit to make mobility aids to the needy free of cost and later free maintenance.
- Medical testing unit to evaluate persons with disability, offer physiotherapy services, refer where necessary to specialized hospitals for corrective surgeries.
- Post-acute care Centre for the Spinal injured offering rehabilitation and medical intervention along with vocational training.
- Integrated Play, Nursery, Middle and High school where local poor children as well as differently abled children staying at ASSA are provided quality education.
- Special study Centre of IGNOU and Alagappa University for higher learning to conduct diploma, degree and post graduate courses.
- Institute to conduct diploma programs in Rehabilitation.
Skill Development of Disabled through Vocational Training
- Free vocational training for skill development in the areas of Computer operations, Advanced Information Technology, Typewriting, Notebook making, Book binding, Tailoring, Garment making, Handicrafts, Cell phone servicing, Servicing of Home appliances, Gold Appraiser Training, Mushroom Cultivation, Two wheeler mechanism training, and Soft skill training.
Village based Rehabilitation
- Our activities extend outside our premises also. Mainly it is in the form of Village based rehabilitation initiatives where we have formed Self-help groups and also established Respite centers in villages for day care of physically and mentally challenged.
- Early Intervention of children less than 6 years is done with service at doorstep of Children with a technology based solution using Tablets, where Child Rehabilitation Workers (CRW) are able to plan, execute and monitor treatment plans of children progress against goals.
- Village based Early Intervention centres are established in eight locations for mothers to visit with Children for focused rehabilitation and goal based treatment.
Visit our organization and see our activities and bless our children
All our efforts are made possible only because of your support
Your donations are tax exempted under 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act